3 lined writing paper
"Persuasive Essay Topics"
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Le Belle Dame Sans Merci written on 1820 by John Keats Essays
Le Belle Dame Sans Merci composed on 1820 by John Keats Essays Le Belle Dame Sans Merci composed on 1820 by John Keats Paper Le Belle Dame Sans Merci composed on 1820 by John Keats Paper I will think about the sonnets Lochinvar composed by Walter Scott in 1808 and Le Belle Dame Sans Merci composed on 1820 by John Keats. Lochinvar and Le Belle Dame Sans Merci are two Romantic sonnets that asserted prevalence in the development of Romanticism essentially in light of the fact that they were short long, the two of them recount to a story and contain a plot, they were stylish for the Romantic development likewise they were anything but difficult to recall and present. The fundamental and most evident closeness between the two sonnets is that they are Romantic. The Romantic time frame started around 1798 and finished roughly around 1832. Sentimental verse focused on nature, emotions and feelings. Besides the topics of the heavenly and medieval were utilized. It was a break with the old custom, that was until the Victorian development moved in and individuals, activities, outward profound quality and reason were progressively significant. Sonnets, for example, Porphyrias Lover were composed during the Victorian development. One of the fundamental contrasts between the two sonnets would be that Le Belle Dame Sans Merci is a number while Lochinvar utilizes rhyming couplets and ancient language. What's more Le Belle Dame Sans Merci could be portrayed as being shocking and deplorable where Lochinvar is the ideal fantasy with the ideal consummation. Le Belle Dame Sans Merci can be viewed as a melody on account of its shocking substance, the consideration of a knight and the viable utilization of regular symbolism. It is broken into four line refrains as songs typically are and a standard mood. Also every one of the four line verses depicts a different occurrence in the sonnet, separating it into little, short scenes. Le Belle Dame Sans Merci opposes being an anthem in a couple of ways. One of the most significant being that it doesn't follow the normal rhyme plan of A B A B; rather it goes A B C B. Lochinvar is additionally written in the style of a number somewhat. It is to a greater extent a people style of composing. A few instances of this would be the point at which, The lady of the hour kisses the cup, and, He stayed not for bracken, and he halted not for stone. There is likewise some ancient language utilized, for example, ere, ye, saith, twere better by a long shot, and quoth. Age-old language is commonly used to carton a Scottish articulation and stress medieval topic. The Scottish component bolsters the possibility of the society style of composing. The rhyme conspire utilized in this sonnet is rhyming couplets adding a consistent mood to the sonnet. There is additionally a modest quantity of common symbolism utilized. The tale of Lochinvar tells a story of a knight who proceeds to safeguard the lady that he adores from her wedding. Lochinvar needs to get hitched to Ellen. Ellen has quite recently been hitched however Lochinvar turns up at the wedding gathering. Plainly Lochinvar and Ellen are infatuated. They hit the dance floor with one another at the wedding gathering however Ellens mother and father are not in the slightest degree satisfied with this. It is now that they flee together. Their families endeavor to tail them. The primary characters in Lochinvar would be Ellen and Lochinvar. Lochinvar is a Scottish Lord and Knight. He is courageous and strong. We know this since, He rode all unarmed and, he rode isolated, additionally He halted not for break, and he halted not for stone, and He swan the Esk River where passage there was none. There is some hypothesis that he could be risky. We realize that Ellens family is very wealthy, the live at Netherby Hall. Furthermore, Ellens guardians don't support of Lochinvar. It could be conceivable that Ellens marriage could be organized. Lochinvar and Ellen have been infatuated for quite a while so perhaps Ellens guardians masterminded this union with attempt to bar Lochinvar from Ellens life. The narrative of Le Belle Dame Sans Merci is that of a disastrous one, finishing off with conceivable passing and riddle. The storyteller in the sonnet meets a knight who looks amazingly unwell. The storyteller asks the knight what's going on. He keeps on telling the storyteller that he met a pixie in the field. He made her some gems comprising of blossoms, at that point the pixie reveals to him that she cherishes him. The pixie at that point took the knight to a cavern. She cries and he kisses her. The pixie at that point sings the night to rest, at that point he has awful dreams about death. He at that point wakes and gives off an impression of being in a field. A solid chance is that the entire experience could have been a fantasy. English Literature Kieran Walsh 10E Show see just The above see is unformatted text This understudy composed bit of work is one of numerous that can be found in our GCSE John Keats area.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Color Purple - The Struggle To Express Themselves Essays
The Color Purple - The Struggle to Express Themselves There is one early stage motivation behind why we don't question Europeans have started to lead the pack ever, in all ages when 1492, and it has little to do with proof. It is a fundamental conviction which we acquire from earlier periods of thought and barely understand that we hold: it is an understood conviction, not an unequivocal one, and it is so enormous a hypothesis that it is woven into the entirety of our thoughts regarding history, both inside Europe and without. . . (Blaut pg. 6-7). African-American individuals have needed to move over numerous deterrents to get to their position today. To begin with, was the selling of their kin into bondage. At that point, they suffered servitude itself, being dealt with like a creature. After subjection was canceled, Colored individuals despite everything needed to manage racial separation and scorn. On the off chance that this sounds harsh, dark ladies had it more regrettable. African-American ladies needed to manage all the recently referenced things, yet they were ladies as well! Females were mistreated nearly as awful as the blacks. White ladies couldn't cast a ballot until the 1920. Hence hued ladies had a twofold edged blade, they needed to battle for opportunity, yet not be to rule as to impact the men. Alice Walker's The Color Purple is a genuine case of hued ladies' situation. Three deterrents dark ladies needed to defeat to have the option to communicate were Racism, the absence of training, and the sound system typ e that ladies are substandard. African-Americans have consistently experienced prejudice all through their home in America. Subjugation, is the thing that caused the vast majority of the disdain towards blacks. African Americans were sold by their kin and sent off to an outside land. Minorities individuals were utilized as work ponies when they entered America. It was satisfactory for a white individual to be apathetic (in the South), and hence, a white individual exploits this (Theriault). White individuals needed to keep their sluggishness. On the off chance that the slaves were liberated, at that point the whites would need to accomplish more work. The slaves despite everything battled for what they needed, lastly won their freedom. Another situation was if the south could abrogate subjection, what might befall the slaves? These slaves have been slaves for their entire lives and would require instruction. These slaves would likewise require homes, some sort of remuneration, and that's only the tip of the iceber g (Theriault). Blacks were set in jail for opposing the white foundation. Most occasions these wrongdoings were little in contrast with the violations submitted against blacks or by whites. A minority individual could be placed in prison for taking a gander at somebody improperly, yet on the off chance that a dark man was lynched, nothing occurred. I have been bolted by the uncivilized. Cuffed by the haters. Choked by the ravenous. Furthermore, on the off chance that I know anything by any stretch of the imagination, it's that a divider is only a divider and nothing more by any means. It tends to be separated (Shakuer). This selection from Attestation is a case of the sentiments of disdain for the Whites. In any case, this citation likewise shows the battle in the African-American race not to mention its ladies. On the off chance that the South could have gotten training far from the blacks. At that point ides as the one above would have never been distributed. Absence of instruction was a way the South attempted to keep the blacks in a lower class. In The Color Purple, Celie isn't permitted to go to class since she is to be kept shoeless and pregnant. She despite everything got a training by realizing what her younger sibling was showing her, however. It was accepted that on the off chance that the blacks were kept uneducated, at that point they would not have a clue about any better and would not battle for opportunity. Tragically, for the South, the North was teaching their blacks. At that point these blacks were coming south and beginning universities for minorities individuals. Booker T. Washington composed, in his personal history, At some point, while at work in the coal-mineshaft, I happened to catch two diggers discussing an incredible school for minorities individuals some place in Virginia. This was the first occasion when that I had ever heard anything about any sort of school or school that was more self important than the little shaded school in our town. In the dimness of the
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Luck of Roaring Camp Free Essays
The story begins with a one of a kind occasion. What's going on here? What criticalness would you be able to connect to the occasion? The story is initiated by a one of a kind occasion which is the introduction of a kid in the gold mining camp where â€Å"Deaths were not strange in Roaring Camp; however a birth was huge news†. Especially, the presence of the infant, a vagrant now, in the â€Å"roaring†land among all men who were either outlaws, crooks, or miners put them into a predicament. We will compose a custom paper test on The Luck of Roaring Camp or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now They were a discourteous grouping of all the cliché terrible individuals on the planet, surely not fit to be the watchmen of a child. The nearness of the youngster, subsequently, figures the uncommon changes in this land and in these men. Also, apparently, in correlation with the Orient viewpoint, the Occident appears to consider the birthday considerably more significant than the spending one since Birthday is the beginning stage of another life. 2. Rundown 2 changes that were achieved with the happening to the child. How would you decipher these changes?Changes at that point started in Roaring Camp alongside the happening to the infant; work of recovery intangibly came over the settlement. In the first place, â€Å"Roaring Camp created stricter ‘personal cleanliness’ upon the individuals who tried to hold ‘The Luck’. Taking Kentuck as a run of the mill model, he was some time ago new to anything ‘clean’, showed up each evening in a perfect shirt, and face sparkling. The men put on something else like a snake shedding skin for another wonderful and cheerful life. Additionally, Stumpy had forced a kind of isolate on who might have the pleasure of holding Tommy.Tommy should consistently find a sense of contentment and not upset by clamor, in this manner the yelling and hollering was not allowed close enough to hear Stumpy. The players, consumers and lawbreakers used to cause the camp to turn into a â€Å"roaring†one, presently genuinely â€Å"converse in murmurs, or smoked with Indian gravity†. I recognize obviously that the youngster made all the rough men become the committed one and brought about the tremendous recovery significantly inside their spirits and spirits. They all situated to the new life, extremely serene, delightful and delicate. 3. What do you see as the most contacting subtlety of the story? The picture toward the finish of the story which portrayed Kentuck holding Luck inspires endless feeling on me. In any event, being savagely squashed, he despite everything held The Luck of Roaring Camp in his arms. Passing has by and by been available †The demise of ‘the Luck’. All the men put incredible love on Luck, their pride, their expectation and their satisfaction, particularly Kentuck. From the main second when Luck was conceived, â€Å"as Kentuck twisted around the table inquisitively, the kid turned and got at his finger, and held it quick for a moment.Kentuck looked absurd and humiliated something like a redden in his climate beaten cheek†. He held his adoration firmly in his arms yet Luck was pulseless. Dead. He affirmed that and grinned, â€Å"a grin lit the eyes of the terminating Kentuck†. â€Å"Dying, he’s taking me with him†. His final words were â€Å"Tell the young men, I’ve got the Luck with me now†. He was not terrified of death, no groaning, no moaning, alternately, he fulfilled and content with his predetermination that he were with Luck now and saved the infant forever. Kentuck kicked the bucket, yet he left the world realizing he would be setting off to a superior place.Until the last snapshot of his life, Kentuck still put his whole endeavor to ensure the Luck and the Luck of Roaring Camp consistently was protected with his consideration. â€Å"The resilient man, sticking to the slight darling, floated away into the shadowy waterway that streams always to the obscure sea†. 4. On the off chance that you can say one thing regarding Kentuck, what do you say? Kentuck †an unmistakable resident of the Roaring Camp, he burned through the entirety of his affection for the Luck. He incredibly adored and thought about the infant. Kentuck is the agent of the diggers in Gold Rush.He has changed himself totally in view of the presence of the kid; from profoundly inside his spirit, he despite everything was starving for an ordinary and tranquil existence with family and with the coming children. Harte has effectively developed the natural picture of the man, which reflected obviously Realism in this composition. 5. How would you see the heartbreaking consummation of the story? Story is shut with the lamentable consummation †The Death of three primary characters: Stumpy, Kentuck and Luck. I feel as though they were a family with Stumpy as mother, Kentuck as father and Luck as their son.It can be seen that the story is the adaptable and symphonious blend of both Romanticism and Realism. What's more, the writer applied Realism to end his work, which, I assume, will be amassed in readers’ mind for the since a long time ago run. Subsequent to seeing the constructive upgrades of the Roaring Camp, the perusers firmly put stock in the brilliant future for all individuals, a cheerful completion. However, it appears that if the story created following that bearing, the sentiment of solace would be stayed in readers’ mind. Be that as it may, the consummation of this composing really puts the feeling of torment on perusers and that appears to be considerably more great and significant. . Where is the setting of the story? What is the point at which the story happened (1850)? What do you think about this land around then? Who are the populace? Sketch their life/values? The Luck of Roaring Camp is set in a mining town at the hour of the California Gold Rush of 1850. Dash for unheard of wealth (1848-1855) pulled in many thousands from Latin America, Europe, Australia and China. By the start of 1849, expression of the Gold Rush had spread far and wide, and a staggering number of gold-searchers and vendors started to show up from for all intents and purposes each continent.The biggest gathering of forty-niners in 1849 was Americans, showing up by the several thousands overland over the landmass and along different cruising courses. It is evaluated that around 90,000 individuals showed up in California in 184 9. Of these, maybe 50,000 to 60,000 were Americans, and the rest were from different nations. By 1855, it is evaluated in any event 300,000 gold-searchers, traders, and different settlers had shown up in California from around the globe. In 1849 all in all of 10 million dollars worth for gold was mined.But the surge guaranteed that not many miners made their fortune, many got back with minimal more than they had begun with. Most diggers invested their free energy drinking and betting. Other than men, there were even ladies in the Gold Rush. They held different jobs including whores, single business people, wedded ladies, poor and rich ladies. The reasons they came fluctuated: some accompanied their spouses, declining to be abandoned to fight for themselves, some came in light of the fact that their husbands sent for them, and others came (singles and widows) for the experience and financial opportunities.On the path numerous individuals passed on from mishaps, cholera, fever, and heap different causes and numerous ladies became widows before seeing California. While in California, ladies were widows much of the time because of mining mishaps, illness, or mining questions of their spouses. Taking everything into account, the gold-searcher frequently confronted significant hardships on the life of looking for getting rich. Done by: Doan Thuy Linh †C57A †F. O. E Reference: 1. Wikipedia. com Step by step instructions to refer to The Luck of Roaring Camp, Papers
Monday, June 8, 2020
4 Scholarship Myths That Lead to Student Loans (And How to Overcome Them)
Paying for college is only getting more and more challenging over time. With tuition and costs increasing at a rate much higher than inflation, its nearly impossible for families to be able to afford it on their own especially with multiple students. This leads to students borrowing huge amounts of money and signing up for the student debt sentence.But what if I told you there is an alternative? What if I said that it was scholarships? For many families, they already have their arguments ready to go when I say this because they have heard the many myths that all of us have heard on why its impossible to actually secure scholarships.Today, I am going to bust some of those myths so that you can focus on finding debt-free money, including scholarships.Myth 1. You have to cure cancer in order to win a scholarship.Many students and parents believe that if they didnt cure cancer, there is no way they could compete for a scholarship. First, no one has cured cancer yet and there are billion s of dollars given away each year. Secondly, I promise you that I didnt cure cancer, but I still managed to get a free ride. That is because, while the competition is getting tougher and tougher each year, scholarship committees are still realistic (and very much amazed) at what a typical student accomplishes. Believing this myth will only hold you back from potential tens of thousands of dollars in debt-free money.How can you overcome this myth? Learn how to sell what you have accomplished! Cut yourself some slack I am sure you have done something selfless, impactful, genuine, caring, courageous, thought-provoking, and/or any other buzz word you could think of. Its just a matter of being able to sell it in an essay. Does this take time? Yes. But once you get it down, its a piece of delicious, fruitful (and I dont mean the food) cake.Myth 2. Each scholarship requires a new essay.Building off my latest point of once you get it down, its a piece of delicious, fruit cake, what I mean is that once you learn how to sell your accomplishments and build up your pocket full of solid essays, you can reuse them. They will require some tweaking here and there but I had a few great essays that I used over and over for at least 2-3 years. Yes, you can do that! Also, with my simple 3-step process on how to write creative, reusable essays, you can make these in as little as an hour.But beware: you wont want essays thrown in the trash! Check out our article on how to avoid that:Related article on writing strong essays:MAKE SCHOLARSHIP ESSAYS STAND OUT BY AVOIDING THESE 4 CLICHSYou can also grab your free essay writing guide to learn my 3-step essay-writing methodDownload our free 3-step SCHOLARSHIP ESSAY writing guide BELOWMyth 3. You dont need someone else to proofread your essay.Writing essays isnt always easy. Proofreading them can be even harder especially if youve been staring at it for a few hours. Its easy to overlook mistakes, typos, missing words, etc. when you can pretty much recite it from memory at this point. The only way around this is to have someone else take a look. It doesnt have to be a professor or teacher (see my next point), but it should be someone who has experience in writing and that you trust. I was fortunate enough to have an excellent teacher that helped me even after I graduated high school (yes, you dont stop applying in high school which I cover more on in the free online workshop) but just make sure you have at least one other person take a look.Also, if you tweak an essay that has already been reviewed, this still applies! Actually, tweaking essays is the easiest way to create errors because while you may think it is one small change, it could misalign many different pieces of your essay.Myth 4. All teachers and professors are created equal.Last but not least, be careful who you have proofread your essay. While you may assume any teacher or professor can help, that unfortunately isnt always true. Try to find someone wh o has proofread scholarship essays before (and seen successes). A great way to go about this is to simply ask the teacher or professor if theyve ever proofread a scholarship essay as a general question. You dont have to say that you are applying, just scope out the situation. If they say no, you can kindly move on or ask them to take a look as a secondary resource. You should still try to find someone with experience in the area first.While I wish these were the only myths out there, they arent. I cover an additional 4 in my online 1-hour workshop. If you want to learn about the entire scholarship process including writing strong, creative and reuseable essays as well as the other myths, grab your spot today at thescholarshipsystem.com/free-webinarhf!Claim Your Spot to the Webinar Now! Jocelyn is a best-selling author, public speaker, and founder of The Scholarship System, an online platform to help students and families fund college with scholarships and other free money. To join h er free online workshop that was mentioned, grab your spot at https://thescholarshipsystem.com/free-webinarhf.Originally featured on The Huffington Post.Pin125RedditShareLeave a Comment
Sunday, May 17, 2020
What is Affixation in English Grammar
In English grammar and morphology, affixation is the process of adding a morphemeâ€â€or affixâ€â€to a word to create either a different form of that word or a new word with a different meaning; affixation is the most common way of making new words in English. The two primary kinds of affixation are prefixation, the addition of a prefix, and suffixation, the addition of a suffix, while clusters of affixes can be used to form complex words. A large majority of new words in the English language today are either a result of blendingâ€â€mashing two words or partial words together to form a new oneâ€â€or affixation. Uses of Affixes An affix is a word element of English grammar used to alter the meaning or form of a word and comes in the form of either a prefix or a suffix. Prefixes include examples like un-, self-, and re-, while suffixes come in the form of ending elements like -hood, -ing, or -ed. While prefixes typically maintain the word class (such as noun, verb, or adjective) of the word its modifying, suffixes oftentimes change the form entirely, as is the case with exploration compared to explore or highlighter compared to highlight. Multiple Iterations You can use multiple iterations of the same affixation to modify a word like grandmother to mean an entirely different personâ€â€as in great-great-grandmother, who would be your mothers mothers mothers motherâ€â€or a re-re-re-make of a film, wherein this film would be the fourth iteration of its kind. The same can be applied to different prefixes and suffixes being used on the same word. For instance, the word nation means a country, but national means of a nation, nationalize means to make part of a nation, and denationalization means the process of making something no longer part of a nation. This can continue ad nauseam but becomes increasingly oddâ€â€especially in spoken rhetoricâ€â€the more affixes you use on the same base word. Affixation vs. Blending One form of word alteration and invention that is commonly mistaken for affixation is the process of blending words to form new ones, most notably present in the example of the marketing term cranapple, where people naturally assume the root word cran- from cranberry is being applied as an affix. However, affixes must be able to be universally attached to other morphemes and still make sense. This is not the case with the cran- root, which is only seen attached to another morpheme in marketing examples of juices that also contain cranberry juice like crangrape and cranapple. Instead of being a stand-alone morpheme which conveys of cranberry, the suffix cran- can only make sense when applied to other juices and is therefore considered a blend of two reduced words (cranberry and apple). Though some words and prefixes can be both stand-alone morphemes or parts of blended words, meaning the phrases arent necessarily mutually exclusive, most often words that are products of blending do not contain any actual productive affixes.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Current Future Of Human Resource - 1116 Words
There are three distinctive articles that discussed the future of Human Resource. Kwan the author of The Cornell HR review suggests: As companies continue to flourish in a global setting, the essence of work and managerial relationships will grow increasingly convoluted. Proposals will span across conventional functional and geographical divisions, magnifying the need for greater grasp of sharing and fraternization. With a higher premium placed on attaining pliability and suppleness, corporations that rely on strong intramural networks have been more prosperous at coordinating effectiveness and metamorphosis. From a talent management aspect, organizations will need to embrace a more network-centric technique to promote ascendancy†¦show more content†¦The most commonly used planning period of six months to one year focuses on short-range the immediate HR needs of an organization. Intermediate and long term forecasting are much more difficult processes. Intermediate-ra nge tactic proposal usually projects one to three years into the future, and long-range plans continues beyond three years (p.50). According to an article titled The HR Department of 2020: 6 Big Predictions( Osterhaus, 2013): Prediction 1: In-house HR will downsize and outsourcing will increase. Industry examiner Brian Sommer, the founder of TechVentive, profess an alter to miniature HR departments will be generated by new technologies and heightened employee contribution in HR processes. As he claims, â€Å"Many businesses are going to get a lot of capability done by better technology, more self-service and the employee doing a lot on their own. ( Osterhaus, 2013).†For example, employees will increasingly offer their own intelligence into self-service systems. Prediction 2: Strategic thinking will become in-house HR’s new core competence. More recently, an Economist Intelligence Unit report emphasized the need for C-suite administration to partner with HR to steer growth. In consolation of that, over half the specialists that he interviewed indicated that HR needs to enlarge its strategic advantage to the business–or else. Dr. Presser says, â€Å"This includes the ability to make accurate projections based on
Issues of Security and Privacy of Cloud Computing
Question: Discuss about theIssues of Security and Privacy of Cloud Computing. Answer: Introduction Cloud Computing is commonly known as the cloud and it is delivery of on-demand computing resources. This is an advanced technology and with this data and programs storage and access is done over internet not on local hard drive. Cloud is actually known as symbol of internet. In earlier days, hard drive was used to store data close to our computer and it can be accessed and used quickly by users. This is known as local storage and local computing. Everything that is required by user is close to him/her. But with local storage it is not possible for user to access data through internet or cloud. In this situation, cloud computing provides help to store data over network which can be accessed by anyone easily. Cloud applications have different applications such as SaaS, PaaS and IaaS. SaaS is Software as a Service which is run on unfriendly computers in cloud and these computers are owned and operated by others. PaaS cloud computing application support process of building and distributi ng cloud applications. There is no complexity in development and to manage cost of hardware, software and hosting components. Next application of cloud is Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and it provides companies with computing resources including servers, networking, and storage and data center. In this way, this technology of cloud computing is considered beneficial for internet users. The purpose of making this report is to emphasize on security and privacy issues in cloud computing. Research on this topic is to build an understanding about information security. (Ibm.com, 2016) Challenges and Problems of Cloud Computing In field of security and privacy for confidential information, cloud computing also plays an important role. It is considered a secured technology for storing data over network database. But today various security and privacy attacks are implemented by hackers to violate security of cloud environment. Next segment of report is a about issues of security and privacy of cloud computing. (PCMag India, 2016) Security and Privacy Issues of Cloud Computing As we know that cloud computing has transformed the way of information technology but its issues of security and privacy are big barriers in this technology. There are number of security issues for cloud computing have seen those are related to network, databases, operating systems, resource scheduling transaction management and memory management. There are some essential areas of cloud computing where high level security is required to implement.( Technet.microsoft.com, 2016) These main areas are transit data security, authentication and authorization for users, applications and processes and cloud legal and regulatory issues and incident response. In cloud computing, for achieving security, traditional security parameters are used which are not so much beneficial for providing best security from vulnerable network attacks. There is no common cloud security standard and various additional challenges are associated with this. Some of cloud vendors implement their own proprietary stan dards and technologies that are required for security purposes. Both internal and external security standards are found in cloud computing. Following is the list of security and privacy issues of cloud computing. (Cepis.org, 2016) The main issue of cloud computing is treatment of information assets that resides in computing environments. Capability of different attackers to attack on cloud. All security risks those are associated with cloud and relevant thoughts of attacks and countermeasures. Risk factors of security of cloud. (Pearson, S. Yee, G, 2013) Besides these above listed issues of cloud computing, following are some classifications of security and privacy issues of cloud computing. Conventional Security Concerns Control Issues that are related to third party data. Availability Issues (Knorr, 2016) Traditional Security Issues These security issues are related to computer and network intrusions or attacks that are possible by moving data over cloud. In this case, it is possible to lock down information. The major concerning factors those come under this category are VM-Level Attacks, Cloud Service Providers Vulnerabilities and Phishing Cloud Provider. Third Party Control Related Issues The legal implications of applications and data are held by third party and these are complex and sometimes not easy to understand. When data is hold by third party then there is lack of control and transparency. There are various security and privacy issues exist those prompt companies to void these issues by building cloud framework. Third party control related issues consist of due diligence, auditability and contractual obligations. Availability Issues This concern is related to critical applications and data. Under this category some essential security and privacy issues are included such as maintenance of uptime, prevention from denial of service attacks and surety of robustness of computational integrity. These are some essential issues that are found in cloud computing environment by users. The threats of cloud computing are also come under cloud computing and in next segment of this report, we will emphasize on cloud security threats. Confidentiality Threat of confidentiality of information in cloud computing is a big threat. Both internal and external threats of confidentiality have become problems for business organizations. Internal threats of insiders, access customer data that is held within cloud. In different applications of cloud such as in SaaS, customers of cloud and administrators can be considered as insiders, in PaaS developers of applications and test environment managers are insiders and in IaaS, third party platform consultants are insiders. These insiders can perform malicious activities to violate confidentiality of cloud environment. Cloud providers consists of large amount of confidential data such as credit card information, personal information and sensitive government information and intellectual property etc. and to collect this information, attackers conduct vulnerable attacks. Threats of hardware attack, social engineering and supply chain attacks are common external confidential attack in cloud environm ent. Next cloud threat is data leakage and this data threat is concerned with failure of access of security rights in case of multiple domains and physical transport systems that are required for backups and cloud data. Integrity Integrity is related to verification that information is accessed by authorized users only. The violation of integrity is a big security threat for cloud users. This violation of integrity occurs due to incorrect security parameters and incorrect configuration of virtual machines and hypervisors. This is happened in case of data segregation. On other side, in case of user access, threat of loss of integrity is also high. This is happened due to poor identity and access management procedures. (Technet.microsoft.com, 2016) Availability Availability means information should be available to all authorized users, any unauthorized user must not be able to access this information. But in cloud environment, this is a bug threat or issue that is faced by users. The threats in availability of information in case of cloud environment occurs due to change in management. Change management actually introduces negative effects and this is happened due to software and hardware changes to existing cloud services. Besides this, change management, denial of service is also a big threat for availability of data. Due to this threat, attacker attacks on server with malware and all computers those are connected with server may not access information that is stored into it. Relevant Technologies and its Applications To handle above discussed issues of cloud computing there is requirement to use some essential technologies for its mitigation and these technologies include use of firewall, anti-virus and advanced network monitoring systems. The major application areas of these are web applications, software solutions and cloud based databases etc. Issue that is not Discussed in Forum The main issue that is not discussed in this report is why cloud platforms are hacked and encountered these above discussed issues. This is an important topic to discuss here in this report. (Pearson, S. Yee, 2013) Impact of Issues on Real World These are some essential threats that are faced by users of cloud computing and these all threats are serious and may cause vulnerable results for cloud users worldwide. Every cloud user or developer must have awareness about these threats. These threats are big barriers in usage of cloud computing. Actually these all are weak points of security and privacy of cloud environment. These above discussed all threats and issues of cloud must be mitigated, otherwise it may cause harmful impact on storage data into cloud database. It is responsibility of cloud providers and developers to reduce impacts of these threats and issues of cloud computing. (SearchCloudComputing, 2016) Lesson Learnt from above Discussion After this whole discussion, we can say that cloud computing is a powerful platform, but due to its security and privacy issues, above discussed threats are faced. In this case, to mitigate this problem, developers of cloud framework and cloud service providers should make strategies or solutions. Otherwise, in future, this problem can be increased and will become difficult to control. Today most of the business organizations are based on cloud platform and they want improvement in security and privacy of their data that is available on network database. 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